Private Games
Interested in having a BarHaven Certified GM for a private game, party, or campaign? Ask us about our GM availability!
For some hobbyist the real goal is a private game with their favorite people. Many times, there are hardships when it comes with finding a GM that runs their games with respect and constancy. Luckily many of our Certified GMs are available for professional, private, and completely custom full games!
With competitive pricing and vetted certifications, you know you are going to get a game your party will remember. Our private games are available in private locations, public locations, and can be hosted at any of weekly BarHaven locations as well.​​
Call or email us the following. Don't know what you want? No worries, we can help work out the details. If you are looking for a home game, at a private residence, we will schedule a call to chat about the services and request the name of all players in order to prioritize the safety of our Game Masters. All Game Masters have the right to stop services if they feel unsafe.
- Your First, Last Name
- Email Address
- Phone Number
- TTRPG System and/or Game Type (Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Mystery, Heavy Combat, Strategy, etc)
- Date of Game
- Preferred Location (Home, Private Venue, or a BarHaven Partner Venue)
- Number of Players and Average Age
- Level of Knowledge for Players
- Reason for Game (Just for fun, Birthday, Team Building, Bachlore/ette, etc)
Get in Touch
Call 817.776.1827 to chat with out Coordinator, email circleofbarhaven@gmail.com, or fill out the form below for inquiry.

WHo needs Private Games?
BarHaven has worked with private friend groups to test friendships and with companies to strengthen teams.
We have hosted games in the office, at private homes, and at our current bar locations. You need a reliable and worth-while game? Contact us for availability today!